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  • Services

    Services and Specialties

      Service to first time patients and control patients to assess the adequacy of their treatment.
      Procedures with Yag laser and Argon laser in the office.
      Use of high technology equipment to confirm or discard pathologies, leading to an adequate procedure.
      Scheduled and outpatient surgery procedures to correct pathologies.
      Orthoptic and Pleoptic therapies.
      A wide variety of quality ophthalmic lenses, frames, contacts and ophthalmic solutions, oriented and adapted to each patient’s needs.

    Certification: Enabling resolution issued by Secretaria de Salud Distrital de Barranquilla.

    Ophthalmic Specialized Outpatient

    Evaluation of the anatomic and functional eye condition, of its annexes and related structures, to establish a diagnosis and treatment.

    To obtain such an outcome, the protocol outlined below is followed:

    1. Measurement of patient’s visual accuracy with and without correction.
    2. Eye motility assessment.
    3. Pupillary reflexes assessment.
    4. External assessment of eyelids, eyelashes, lacrimal system and orbit.
    5. Examination of the anterior segment (Slit Lamp)
    6. Intraocular pressure (Goldmann tonometry)
    7. Posterior segment assessment (Examination of the fundus of the eye with pupil dilation and indirect binocular ophthalmoscopy)

    Optometry consultation.

    Assessment that determines the visual, sensorial and motor status of the patient in order to detect possible systemic alterations that could diminish the patient’s visual quality. The assessment and treatment of Convergence and Divergence Insufficiency (Orthoptic and Pleoptic) takes place as well. For patients who require contact lenses, the consultation will determine and correct refraction defects to make the lenses comfortable and aesthetic.

    Optometry Protocol:

    1. Lensometry
    2. Pupil distance
    3. Visual acuity
    4. Ocular Biomicroscopy with direct and indirect lighting
    5. Pupil assessment
    6. Ophthalmoscopy
    7. Keratometry
    8. Ocular motility
    9. Retinoscopy
    10. Subjective
    11. Chromatic assessment
    12. Diagnosis
    13. Correction guidelines


    Iridotomy with Yag laser.
    Procedure performed in a preventive or corrective way to assess the camerular angle of patients at risk of developing narrow angle glaucoma and those with a confirmed diagnosis.

    Yag Capsulotomy (OPACITIES).
    Fast and easy procedure using a Yag laser to create an opening in the central part of the posterior lens capsule, which can become cloudy or opaque after cataract surgery

    Photocoagulation with Argon laser.
    An Argon laser is used to surround retinal tear, diabetic retinopathy and retinal vascular occlusions. Iridoplasty and trabeculoplasty can be performed, as well, for glaucoma patients.


    Ocular Echography: Diagnostic imaging for identification of the eyeball by ultrasound. It facilitates the evaluation of Anterior and Posterior Segment with proximal thirds of the optic nerve and orbit through the contact technique.

    Ultrasound Corneal Pachymetry: Determines the thickness of the cornea and correlates it with intraocular pressure.

    Computerized Visual Field Testing: This test uses light stimuli of varying intensity to determine alterations in the central and peripheral vision. It is recommended for patients with Glaucoma, Retina and Neurological diseases.

    Retinal Angiography: Using a special camera, series of photographs of the light-sensitive tissue at the fundus of the eye are taken, seeking to detect any anomalies and the exact site of the injury. It is recommended for patients diagnosed with diabetes or who have developed retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, retinal venous and arterial occlusion.

    Anterior Segment and Fundus Colour Photography: Using a special camera, a series of photographs of the surfaces and interior of the eye are taken, in order to document any abnormalities.

    Computerized Analysis and Endothelial Cell Count: This is used to assess the state of the corneal endothelium before subjecting a patient to Phacoemulsification cataract surgery.

    Computerized Corneal Topography: This test is a computer analysis of the surface of the cornea which measures its curvature and reports on irregularities and on the cornea’s individual characteristics.

    Ocular Biometry: This calculates the power of the intraocular lens that will replace the crystalline lens in patients undergoing surgery for cataracts. It is also used in refractive surgery patients.

    Pupillometry: This test measures the size of the pupil and its response to certain stimuli.

    Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT): This is an advanced diagnosis, control and monitoring technique to study the posterior polar regions and is useful in surgical procedures. It allows the study of histological sections of the retina in-vivo.

    Anterior Segment Topography (Pentacam): This study uses a rotational camera that generates three-dimensional (3D) images, showing a complete analysis of the anterior chamber. A series of pictures are taken to obtain a 3D image. It is an important tool in the diagnosis of keratoconus or diseases that directly affect the cornea.

    Stereopsis test (depth vision): This measures the ability of stereoscopic vision, which can only be achieved when binocular vision is available, that is, when it’s possible to see with both eyes.

    Colour Vision Test: This test checks a person’s ability to distinguish between different colors.

    Schimer test (tear film assessment): This is a test that determines whether the eye produces enough tears to keep it moisturized.

    Contrast Sensitivity Test: This allows assessment of the patient’s ability to distinguish details when two stimuli with similar contrast are presented.